Ordering Methods

There are many ways to place your order online, we are here to help.

Branch Network

Quality products, great prices - for all your needs.

Production Packaging

We supply parts in industry standard packaging types

Your local Branch

Click region and select your local branch from the list

Large Orders

If you have a large order, we can help you reduce the cost.

Forward Orders

Schedule orders to be delivered on different dates

Quotes Online

Manage and request your quotes online

Extended Range

Even if we don't stock it, we'll do our best to source it for you.

Purchasing Manager

Manage your company buying across multiple users with our system


There are many ways to place your order online, we are here to help

Export Orders

Hassle free export from the UK

Delivery Methods

Get your order when you want it

Parcel Tracking

Track your order's progress

Product Returns

Return your purchase for a replacement or refund

My Account

Manage your order, quotes, track parcels, update details and more

Account Opening

Open an RS cash or credit account

Invoice & Payment

Keep track of all your invoices and payments

Consolidated Monthly Summary

Summarise all your RS account activity per month


Improve purchasing efficiency with seamless system-to-system invoicing


Maintain compliance and ensure the accuracy of your measurements.

RS Product Support

We’ve got a wealth of experience and knowledge for the support you need


Online community of technical experts and free design tools

Environmental Services

We've got a range of services to suit your needs

Calibrating existing equipment

We can calibrate your existing equipment, whether purchased from RS or not

We will calibrate and despatch your instruments within 4 days of receipt at our in-house UKAS accredited laboratory and provide a diarised calibration reminder service. We can provide free collection and delivery to your place of work, or you can drop off and pick up from your local trade counter.

Calibration service price list    Calibration FAQ’s    Our Calibrated Products

Thank you for your request

You will receive an e-mail quoting your unique sales order number for the booking, a quotation for the work to be done and collection details.

Calibration Request

To request calibration for your existing instrument(s) please complete the form.

  • Your request will be received at the RS Calibration booking desk
  • You will receive an email quoting your unique sales order number for the booking, a quotation for the work to be done and collection details
  • Your instrument(s) will be collected in the next 2 days unless otherwise requested
  • RS Calibration will calibrate your instrument(s) and dispatch within 4 days of receipt in Corby. We always track our parcels and provide proof of delivery.li>

Quote or order
* Purchase Order No. * Preferred collection date
* Number of parcels
Make & Model Qty Serial No. Service required*

* Services available:  RS Calibration, UKAS Calibration, (for Repair and System Calibration please call 08457 201201 for more information).

Please provide any other details here:

Collection address

Return address (if different to collection)

* Company name Company name
* Address line 1 Address line 1
* Address line 2 Address line 2
* Postcode Postcode
Your details

Please complete the fields and click 'Send request'.

Fields marked with * must be completed

* Title * Telephone no.
* First name Fax no.
* Surname Mobile no.
* Job title * E-mail address
* Ship To