In manufacturing, building, maintenance and public sector environments such as universities, OEM production and processing plants, PC access can be limited.

RS ConnectPoint® is a simple, touchscreen solution for your workspace that gives you access to over 500,000 products and a range of services.

RS ConnectPoint®

How does it work?

• It uses a single sign-in ConnectPass, QR code or PIN
• Its features include Live Chat for help with orders, enquiries and technical advice
• It uses RS PurchasingManager®
• It connects to your RS Local branch. This gives you support with identifying parts and access to our inventory and custom order solutions
• It’s powered by Raspberry Pi

How this helps you

Solves procurement emergencies and reduces downtime


Order from thousands of products and collect same day from your RS Local branch


Gives you purchasing limits to help control spend across multiple users

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