Discover the Benefits of Laboratory Testing

Our brand new, purpose-built laboratory in Nottingham operates to universal ASTM and ISO standards. From here we offer oil, fluid and specialist analysis testing services to customers all around the world.

Our lab chemists are experts in analytical chemistry and lubricant condition monitoring.

Clear reports ensure you can make the most of the results to help service, maintain and troubleshoot the reliability of your plant and machines.

How this helps you

Provides bespoke testing

Provides bespoke testing

Reduces unscheduled downtime

Reduces unscheduled downtime

Minimises repair and change out expenses

Minimises repair and change out expenses

Improves productivity and maximises output

Improves productivity and maximises output

Extends the life of your equipment

Extends the life of your equipment

Increases cost savings and profits

Increases cost savings and profits

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