OrthoSole - partners of RS

OrthoSole OrthoSole

When your feet are good, life is good!

Ronnie Irani - walking the talk!

Anyone that suffers from aches and pains to their feet or legs are aware of how it can affect your whole well-being and outlook on life. None more so than Ronnie Irani, former England and Essex Cricketer, whose sporting career saw him score over 20,000 runs and take over 650 wickets, before a long-term injury forced him into retirement.

Many would have retired gracefully, but Ronnie was motivated to turn his experience of the effects of injury into something that could help others with similar issues.

“Being plagued with knee problems, I was acutely aware of how musculoskeletal injuries impact performance and productivity. Therefore, after countless operations and costly orthotics, I wanted to find a solution that was both practical, cost effective and available to everyone.”
Ronnie on the winning team

Finding the right solution

Ronnie had been visiting a top podiatrist in Germany, Martin Trautmann, and knew the benefits of good orthotics to anyone who is regularly active. He and Martin worked together to develop Ronnie’s vision for an orthotic insole, coming up with the idea of a unique design concept which enables users to customise the level of support they require, through interchangeable metatarsal and arch pieces. Happy with their solution, Ronnie then enlisted the support of one of the best biomechanics team in the world, based in the US, to help develop the products. The best quality materials were sourced, including Poron®, an effective shock absorbent, cushioning material…and the OrthoSole products were born!

With extensive testing, the team not only saw benefits ranging from improved posture and body alignment, but with regular use the OrthoSole insoles contributed to improvements in the following areas:

- Plantar Fasciitis (also known as Policeman’s Heel). A common source of heel pain, caused by the inflammation of the ligament that connects the heel bone to the toes.
- Foot fatigue
- Overpronation - When the foot rolls inwards towards the arch excessively
- Underpronation
- Hip Pain
- Heel Pain
- Knee pain
- Back Pain
- Foot fatigue

Ronnie and the team realised that these disorders are also common in the workplace, not just in sporting activities, but with those that are constantly on their feet. This is where RS came in.

You can buy OrthoSole insoles online here.
Some of the conditions OrthoSole can help with
Conditions OrthoSole can help with

Promoting wellbeing in the workplace

After a meeting with Nick Johnson, RS Environment Health and Safety Manager, it was decided to set up a trial with RS colleagues, whose job role meant that they were constantly on their feet.

Nick pointed out, “A recent report from the HSE, (HSE Health and Safety at Work Vital Statistics 2019 for Great Britain), has stated that half a million work-related musculoskeletal disorder cases were reported last year. Often solutions for these are costly or require surgery - all of which can have a significant impact on productivity and well-being!

We take the wellbeing of our workforce very seriously, so anything that we can do to support our colleagues, where practical, is welcomed”.

Collaborating with OrthoSole, the individuals on the trial, who were already experiencing pain and discomfort in their feet on a regular basis, were given OrthoSole insoles to customise to their personal needs.
Completely customisable with interchangeable arch and metatarsal support pads

Convincing results

“After four weeks initial results have been very encouraging”, says Nick, “we’ve had overall feedback stating that there’s been a significant improvement in comfort levels with two colleagues suffering from Plantar Fasciitis reporting reduced pain and more flexibility in the foot.”

The trial captured a general feel-good factor, which indicated that the OrthoSole insoles assisted in creating a positive mind set of wellbeing, with more comfortable footwear, diminished pain and less tired feet.

Both Ronnie and Nick were pleased with the response. It confirmed that as well as benefits for the workforce, it also has plus points for the employer, as a cost-effective option, leading potentially to less replacement of PPE footwear and a healthier, happier workplace.

Orthosole products are now stocked by RS and are available to order online here

Ronnie’s drive and passion to find a way to tackle his own discomfort and pain has led to the development of a unique product, accessible to everyone.

In his own words “When your feet are good, life is good”.

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