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    Pneumatic Wheel

    Pneumatic wheels, also known as pneumatic tyres, are an essential part to numerous pieces of everyday equipment. They are widely used in heavy duty industrial equipment, wheelbarrows, hand trucks and dollies, wheelchairs, and many other applications.

    The pneumatic tyre is filled with air and enclosed by rubber or a synthetic material. The inner tube is responsible for providing cushioning and shock absorption, and the outer tyre made from rubber offers the grip and tread for using on a variety of surfaces.

    What are the Benefits of Pneumatic Wheels?

    A pneumatic wheel offers many benefits over solid wheels, making them the preferred choice, in many applications:

    • Shock Absorption - One of the main benefits is the excellent shock absorption offered by the cushioning in the inner tube, this provides the user with more comfort and a smoother ride with less vibrations.
    • Increased Traction – The tread pattern on a pneumatic tyre enables the wheel to grip more effectively, offering more stability and control. This can be essential to certain applications that are frequently used on slippery surfaces and rough terrain.
    • Reduced Rolling – the risk of rolling is greatly reduced when using pneumatic tyres. This can be essential in frequent manoeuvring and prolonged use applications such as industrial trolleys, carts and dollies.

    Do I need to maintain my Pneumatic Wheels?

    Good maintenance of pneumatic wheels is essential, to ensure the tyres last, you get optimal performance and are not let down at a crucial time:

    • Inflation – the correct tyre pressure is essential for both performance and safety. If the tyre is underinflated this can lead to a decrease in shock absorption as well as damage to the wheel, however over inflation can lead to punctures and reduced traction.
    • Damage – checking for any signs of wear and tear is advisable, if any damage is noted, replacing the wheel promptly will ensure safety and reliability is upheld at all times.
    • Tread – checking the tread of your pneumatic tyre, and replacing, if necessary, will provide traction and stability on your application.
    • Lubrication – Using a lubricant of and axels or bearings will enhance both the life and the overall performance of the wheels, ensuring movement without any friction.
    • Storage – When you are not using your pneumatic wheels, it is a good idea to keep them stored correctly in a dry, cool place away from high temperatures and out of the direct sunlight.

    How long do Pneumatic Wheels last?

    The lifespan of a pneumatic tyre is dependent upon a number of factors. With proper care and ongoing maintenance, you are giving your tyres the opportunity to last you several years.

    Can I use Pneumatic Wheels on rough terrain?

    Yes, they are designed to be used in this environment. The shock absorption, coupled with the good traction ensure these tyres offer the ultimate grip and performance you require.

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