There are two types of horsepower measurements; imperial/mechanical and metric. One imperial/mechanical horsepower is equal to 745.7 watts, or 0.75 kilowatts. This type of measurement is used mostly in the UK and US, or in industries which opt for the imperial system. Metric horsepower is more commonly used in Europe, especially in the automotive industry, although usage can vary between regions and industries. One metric horsepower equates to around 735.5 watts or 0.74 kilowatts.
A kilowatt is a unit of power which is equal to 1000 watts. Kilowatts are widely used in various contexts for measuring power, especially in the electricity and energy sectors. One kilowatt is equal to roughly 1.341 imperial horsepower.
The calculator uses the below formulas to calculate the answer you need:
hp (imperial) = kW × 1.341
KW = hp (imperial) × 0.7457