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    Fibre Optic Receivers

    Fibre optic receivers convert data from fibre optical cables into electrical signals. Receivers accept the data and then transform the signals into electrical pulses.

    The receivers contain semiconductors called photodetectors and an amplifier to produce what is called logic compatible output. This means that the signal output is not controlling the circuit status (current flow).

    Some fibre optic receivers perform both the receiving and transmission functions and are referred to as transceivers.

    What are fibre optic receivers used for?

    Fibre optic receivers are used in many applications like sensoring systems, machine safety systems and tower lights.

    These receivers are also useful in solving high voltage isolation issues like signal interference, where large data quantities must be transferred over long distances.

    Fibre optic receivers also help to identify transmission errors in loopback testing activities for systems, process equipment and machinery.

    Types of fibre optic receivers

    Two main types of fibre optic receivers exist:

    • Digital receivers identify the input signals, amplify them and then reshape them into electrically undistorted output signals.
    • Analog receivers identify the optical input signals and then enlarge the photocurrents to increase the quality of the signal without transforming them.

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