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    Maintenance’s contribution to climate commitments

    Maintenance’s contribution to climate commitments

    Maintenance engineering teams have a vital role to play in achieving net zero goals 

    Much of the momentum required to achieve national and international climate targets will need to come from industry, but how are commitments to net zero goals faring in the face of challenging economic circumstances?  A recent update from the manufacturers’ organisation Make UK is reassuring. According to its Driving Industrial Energy Efficiencies: A Best Practice Guide report:  

    • 92% of manufacturers regard net zero as an important priority for their business
    • 68% have already made investments to help them transition to net zero
    • 68% see net zero as a commercial opportunity for their business
    • 74% see energy efficiency as a key pathway for decarbonising
    • 37% of companies will focus on optimising energy efficiency as part of their drive to net zero

    The major focus on energy consumption means that maintenance engineers will have an important role in helping their organisations achieve their net zero goals.  

    Engineering the pathway to net zero
    Maintenance engineering teams have a wide range of opportunities to reduce a manufacturing organisation’s energy consumption. This is no surprise when you realise that 50% of industrial energy waste is due to leaks, insulation and thermal loss. So, what’s the most effective way to tackle this?  A comprehensive energy management strategy is central to greener manufacturing operations and production efficiency. This strategy needs to focus on energy efficiency in conversion, distribution and consumption.  

    Condition-based monitoring of machinery using connected digital sensors creates powerful data-driven insights. These are used to pinpoint sources of energy wastage and identify opportunities for cutting carbon emissions. 

    Increased energy consumption is frequently linked to maintenance issues

    Richard Jeffers, Maintenance engineering expert

    “Increased energy consumption is frequently linked to maintenance issues,” says Richard Jeffers, Maintenance engineering expert. “If electricity consumption goes up it can be caused by an electrical or mechanical fault on a machine or in a system. Monitoring energy use can be a leading indicator of an impending failure. If you get your energy monitoring right, you will have higher levels of availability on your plant as well.” 

    Regular maintenance for greener operations
    While reducing carbon emissions as part of a net zero strategy is a relatively recent priority for manufacturing organisations, many of the mechanisms for doing so will be familiar to maintenance engineers. 

    If you do maintenance engineering well, you are keeping your assets in the best condition and they’re running at maximum efficiency

    Dr Moray Kidd, Maintenance Engineering Academic

    “Some of the key metrics for maintenance engineering – availability, reliability and operational performance – are critical for reducing energy consumption,” says Dr Moray Kidd, a maintenance engineering academic. “If you do maintenance engineering well, you are keeping your assets in the best condition and they’re running at maximum efficiency. Operational expenditure is also more sustainable because you’re not changing components based on a preventative schedule. You’re changing them based on the condition.”  The enormity of the challenge of getting the world to net zero can seem overwhelming and it can be difficult to know where to start. Here are some simple steps you can take to score quick wins:  

    • Install LED lights that use up to 90% less energy. LED bulbs have a longer life
    • Reduce motor speeds by 20% to cut power consumption by up to 50%
    • Seal leaks from compressed air systems to reduce system run times
    • Commission an onsite energy-loss survey to help identify the most significant areas of wastage and opportunities to reduce energy consumption

    The business imperative to take action on climate change requires a long-term view – and maintenance engineering teams will need to play a proactive role in meeting energy reduction targets that will add to the bottom line while reducing the industry’s impact on the climate.  

    For more information about RS Maintenance Solutions, click here

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