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      • Published 17 Mar 2023
      • Last Modified 29 Aug 2023
    • 2 min

    Biomechanical Engineering

    Biomechanical Engineering

    Taking inspiration directly from the amazing story of the man who built his baby son an intuitive prosthetic arm, this theme combines biology, design technology and engineering to give an insight into the exciting world of biomechanical engineering.

    With an important life lesson about the difference prosthetics can make to the lives of those who need them, this cross-curricular two-part lesson will awaken pupil’s passion for using technical skills to help those in need.

    Jenny Lister: Helping Hands, Making Hands (Primary)

    'Helping Hands, Making Hands' is a primary-level introduction into the exciting science behind Biomechanics. Students learn about the movement of the body and the impact of losing a limb through birth or injury. Students will be tasked with answering questions and debate on the use of prosthetics, along with understanding what STEM skills can be used to make a big difference in someone’s life.

    Chris Hillidge: The Power of Prosthetics (Secondary)

    'The Power of Prosthetics' is a secondary-level introduction to the exciting subject of Biomechanics - the science of movement of a living body. Thid double lesson plan incorporate elements of design technology, biology and engineering together with social responsibility. Designed to give your class an insight into the world changing possibilities of prosthetics.

    Biomechanical Engineering Primary
    Secondary school resources

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