Sticky Notes
What are Sticky Notes?
Sticky notes are small pieces of paper with a strip of glue on the back and are a convenient and easy way to leave notes and reminders. It is not a permanent adhesive glue but made for temporarily attaching notes to documents and surfaces. This means that with a little pressure, the note can be attached and easily removed and reused elsewhere. The adhesive strip does not leave any residue or stickiness. They work well as they are more personal and visual as they stick out from its environment.
Sticky notes are commonly referred to as Post it notes, Post-its or stickies and were traditionally, square, yellow in colour with a size of 3 x 3 inches (76 x 76 cm) containing 100 sticky notes. Nowadays various colours, sizes and designs are available. The benefits of the different colours can turn any plan into a visual aid to highlight various areas from work and study to household schedules.
Post it notes have been around for many years and although today we live in a 'digital world', they are still a stationery must have throughout offices, schools and the home. These post it notes have a huge range of uses which include:
• Bookmarks
• Note paper
• To-do lists
• Temporary labels
• Cable labels
• Reminders
• Origami
• Marking food
• Schedules or planning
A more unusual use for Post it notes is a keyboard cleaner as the little pieces of dirt that get stuck in keyboards and are tricky to reach will stick to the adhesive strip of a sticky note.
How long will sticky notes stay sticky?
This will depend on the environment the sticky note is in once it has been peeled from the pad. If there is a lot of dust and dirt then it will not stay sticky for long. Also the more the note is removed and attached to objects the less sticky it will become over time.