A circuit breaker is a safety device that can be installed to protect an electrical circuit from short circuit or overcurrent, which would cause damage. In partnership with ABB, we bring to you a high-quality range of circuit breakers that are guaranteed to keep your circuits safe and reduce the risk of any abnormal conditions and internal faults.
What do circuit breakers do?
The basic function of an ABB circuit breaker is to interrupt current flow to protect equipment and prevent the risk of fire. A circuit breaker can be reset time and time again, unlike a fuse which only operates once and must then be replaced.Why choose a circuit breaker from ABB?
ABB are a world-renowned technology giant who ensure all their circuit breakers meet the relevant grid requirements, guaranteeing an innovative, high quality and reliable product range. ABB develop their products with new trends and the ever-developing electrical power distribution industry in mind. They excel at applying new market requirements and applications to their products and produce circuit breakers that ensure accuracy, reliability, and of course high quality.