The Studio has been becoming more and more popular in our community since it was released! As we have Grove Shield for many mainstream boards for easy test and better use of our Grove modules, many fans of Seeed Studio XIAO have been asking whether we will have a Grove Shield for it, the much-anticipated Grove Shield for Seeed Studio XIAO is now on board!
Powerful CPU- Nordic nRF52840, ARM® Cortex™-M4 32-bit processor with FPU operating at 64 MHz Wireless capabilities- Bluetooth 5.0, NFC, and ZigBee module with on-board Bluetooth antenna Ultra-small size- 21 x 17.5mm, Seeed Studio Xiao series classic form-factor for wearable devices Ultra-low sleep power- 5 μA, deep sleep model Battery charging chip- BQ25101 chip supported lithium battery charge management
Product Name
Grove Shield for Seeeduino XIAO
Kit Classification
Arduino Shield
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