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    Payment Options

    Payment Options

    You can chose how you would like to pay

    Your payment options will vary according to how you do business with us.

    If you have or want an RS Account, you have 2 options:

    RS Cash Account: This payment method is available immediately using your credit or debit card. This option is good for returning customers wanting to pay by card.

    RS Credit Account: Apply using this form to open an RS Credit Account. This option is good if you want to buy regularly but pay later “On Account” by invoice.

    If you prefer not to have an RS Account:

    Guest Checkout: You can purchase products immediately with no registration process using the Guest Checkout. Payment is by credit or debit card only.

    If you would prefer to talk to someone, you can pay by:

    Telephone: You can also buy over the phone using any of these methods by calling 03457 201 201.

    Accepted cards are shown in the footer below. Cards will be authenticated using 3D Secure, as per the EU Payment Service Directive PSD2.

    Card Authorisation Process: For card purchases, we will defer payment until shipment. For this reason, funds may be ringfenced (authorised) multiple times as goods become available for dispatch, resulting in more than one settlement payment for your order. The combination of these settlements will not exceed your original order value. Any unspent authorisation values will be released to your card within 14 days of the final goods being dispatched.

    Account and Billing Enquiries

    If you have any billing queries or need to update your account information, please email CollectionsUK@rs-components.com or call 01536 444 414 - Opening times (Mon-Fri): 7:45am - 8:30pm.

    If you need to change any of the details on your invoice, please email dataquality@rs-components.com or call 01536 444 079 and quote your Sold To/ Ship To Number, your name, your current invoice address and your new invoice address.

    For Remits please e-mail remits@rs-components.com

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