Extensive range of miniature circuit breakers including from ABB, Siemens, Schneider Electric, Eaton, Rockwell Automation and Lovato.
Extensive range of miniature circuit breakers including from ABB, Siemens, Schneider Electric, Eaton, Rockwell Automation and Lovato.
RCBOs combine overload and short circuit protection with protection against earth leakage currents. Our wide range offers a great choice.
Residual-current circuit breakers protect people from electric shocks. We offer high-performance RCCBs from leading brands.
Choose from a vast selection of MCCBs with various current ratings, voltage ratings, and breaking capacities, from the brands you trust.
Allows for servicing and maintenance of electrical equipment by isolating circuits. Many can be padlocked off for extra safety. Huge range.
From leading brands including ETA, Schneider Electric and Schurter. Comprehensive range of configurations for different equipment applications.
In-built fuses provide enhanced protection in addition to isolation. A large number of options, including enclosed and non-enclosed versions.
RCD protected sockets, in a selection of configurations and RCD type to suit requirements. From the leading brands you trust.
Specifically designed for general industrial applications including power distribution, motor protection, and cable protection.
RS have a great selection of high-quality distribution boards suitable for both single and three-phase applications, from leading brands.
Diverse range of current ratings, number of ways and housing materials to suit many applications, featuring ranges from Contactum and ABB.
Often used with industrial and power tools, these provide protection for the user by isolating the tools from the main power supply.