How do cable avoidance tools work? They locate underground utilities by exploiting their ability to conduct electricity or transmit electromagnetic signals. Instruments in the CAT detect wires’ electrical current, nearby radio waves travelling through pipes, or signals deliberately created and sent through these utilities. As the user walks around a site with an active CAT, it alerts them to the presence of utilities.
What does a CAT and Genny detect? Underground pipes, tubes, cables, wires, valves and couplings, as long as they’re metallic.
Using a CAT and Genny has some limitations, though. What can a cable avoidance tool not detect?
- Non-metallic utilities, though cable avoidance tools come with flexible conductive rod accessories for feeding into plastic pipes to help trace their path
- Cables and pipes below the CAT’s depth limit
- Abandoned or disconnected cables
- Whether pipes have anything flowing through them, such as water or natural gas