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      • Published 27 Mar 2023
      • Last Modified 29 Aug 2023
    • 3 min

    Condition Monitoring and Predictive Maintenance

    Avoid unplanned downtime with predictive maintenance solutions.

    Predictive Maintenance

    Did you know unplanned downtime can cost manufacturing industries an estimated $50 billion per year? Did you also know that 42% of downtime is caused by equipment failure? Predictive Maintenance (PdM) solutions are one of the fastest growing techniques to identify machine deterioration and avoid unpredicted failure in harsh factory environments.

    What is Predictive Maintenance?

    Predictive maintenance is based on condition monitoring (CM) to detect irregular activities and provide relevant data to spot abnormal conditions in equipment. All machines are prone to wear and tear, and unplanned downtime is very costly. Condition monitoring is a major part of predictive maintenance and continuously monitors equipment through dedicated sensor nodes. Therefore, collecting and analyzing data is an essential part of Industry 4.0 and is considered one of the most valuable applications of the Internet of Things (IoT) on the factory floor.

    The global predictive maintenance market is expected to grow to $6.3 billion by 2022 - according to a report by Market Research Future. Additionally, it is expected that predictive maintenance will be used by 83 percent of manufacturing companies in the next two years.

    According to PWC, the benefits of predictive maintenance in factories can:

    • Reduce costs by 12%
    • Improve uptime by 9%
    • Reduce safety, health, environmental and quality risks by 14%
    • Extend the lifetime of an ageing asset by 20%

    Discover predictive maintenance and condition monitoring solutions from RS.

    STWIN SensorTile Wireless Industrial Node Development Kit

    The STWIN (STEVAL-STWINKT1B) kit from STMicroelectronics is specifically designed for predictive maintenance and condition monitoring applications. Key features of this core system board include high-performance, industrial-grade MEMS sensors and ultra-low-power STM32L4 microcontroller series based on Arm® Cortex®-M432-bit RISC core. The STWIN kit also supports Bluetooth v5.2 certified wireless connectivity with a very low power Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) module - BlueNRG-M2. Additionally, it features a dedicated toolchain and a rich set of software packages and optimised firmware libraries. Complemented with a cloud-based dashboard application, the STWIN speeds up designed cycles for end-to-end solutions.

    Compatible Expansion Boards Available: Two compatible expansion boards are also available from STMicroelectronics. Introducing the STEVAL-STWINWFV1 Wi-Fi board and Analog Microphone Array board - the STEVAL-STWINMAV1.

    Block diagram of STEVAL-STWINKT1B: The STWIN board is fully packed with components that enable sensing, processing, connectivity and security capabilities for advanced industrial IoT solutions.

    SensorTile Wireless Industrial Node Solution

    Dev Kit


    The STWIN Sensortile Wireless Industrial Node (STEVAL-STWINKT1B) kit is specifically designed for advanced industrial IoT applications.



    Enable authentication and secure data management for peripherals and IoT devices with STSAFE-A110 secure element IC.



    The processing capabilities are implemented with ultra-low-power STM32L4+ MCU series based on the ARM Cortex-M4 core operating at 120 MHz.



    The TS922 low noise, low distortion dual operational amplifier is featured on the STEVAL-STWINKT1B core system board.

    Ask the Expert- MEMs Sensors and Predictive Maintenance

    All things MEMS and sensors with Andrea Onetti from STMicroelectronics. Listen in as the Group Vice President and General Manager of ST's Volume MEMS & Analog Division answers questions submitted by our DesignSpark community.

    Unboxing the STWIN SensorTile

    Kamilla takes a first look at the new SensorTile development kit for advanced industrial IoT applications from STMicroelectronics, the STWIN SensorTile wireless industrial node (STEVAL-STWINKT1B). With industrial-grade onboard sensors, it’s ideal for the development of condition monitoring and predictive maintenance applications.