Google's Perfect Employee | RS Components

Google's Perfect Employee

Google’s Perfect Employee

As one of the world’s largest tech companies, Google is always on the lookout for talent, and with product ranges like Google Maps, Google Cloud, Google Lens and Chrome there are plenty of opportunities to work for the company.

We have analysed over 2,500 job roles at Google, to discover some interesting insights on the tech giants’ perfect employee.

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Where Are All the Jobs?

Where in the world is Google hiring for the highest number of job roles? Take a look at the map below to reveal the countries with the most job openings and the top cities you’re most likely to find a job if you want to work for Google.

Pinch and zoom to explore the map and select each country to see the number of jobs.
# of Jobs
  • N/A
  • 0-10
  • 11-20
  • 21-30
  • 31-40
  • 40+
- +

Top Cities to Work for Google

Google may be synonymous with Silicon Valley, but which cities around the world is Google hiring in the most? Find out the top cities you’re most likely to find a job at Google.

  • Mountain View, CA

    US 298 Jobs
  • Sunnyvale, CA

    US 217 Jobs
  • Tokyo

    Japan 128 Jobs
  • New York City, NY

    US 124 Jobs
  • London

    Great Britain 122 Jobs
  • Dublin

    Ireland 109 Jobs
  • San Francisco, CA

    US 96 Jobs
  • Singapore

    Singapore 72 Jobs

What Do You Need to Work for Google?

When it comes to things like degrees, working hours or years of experience, what are Google looking for with their perfect employee?

% of job listings that require a degree

image description image description 84% Require a Degree

Number of years experience required

The chart below shows the percentage of jobs that would be available to you, based on the number of years experience that you have.

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Which Jobs are Google Recruiting For?

Want to work for Google? Take a look at the table below to find out the jobs with the highest number of openings.

Job Title Job Title
  1. Software Engineer
  2. Field Sales Manager (Google Cloud)
  3. Engineering Manager
  4. Staff Software Engineer
  5. Software Engineer for Engineering Productivity
  6. Enterprise Field Sales Representative (Google Cloud)
  7. Product Manager (Google Cloud)
  8. Software Engineer for Machine Learning
  9. Field Sales Representative (Google Cloud)
  10. Certification Exam Development Manager (Google Cloud)

Data correct as of January 2020.