CO2 Emissions Data Over Time [2020] | RS Components

CO₂ Emissions Data Over Time

CO₂ Emissions in Your Lifetime

We’re all becoming increasingly aware of the impact that we are having on the planet and the effects of climate change. Whilst CO₂ makes up a rather small part of the Earth’s atmosphere at 0.041%, the impact it has on our planet is vast and is contributing to global warming. So, how have CO₂ emissions increased in your lifetime? Enter the year you were born below to find out how emissions have changed over the course of your life.

Enter your birth year

Total global emissions, CO₂ billion tonnes

Since you were born CO₂ emissions have increased by 40 billion tonnes.

  • 1900
  • 1910
  • 1920
  • 1930
  • 1940
  • 1950
  • 1960
  • 1970
  • 1980
  • 1990
  • 2000
  • 2010
  • 2018
  • 40B
  • 35B
  • 30B
  • 25B
  • 20B
  • 15B
  • 10B
  • 5B
left right

How to reduce your carbon footprint

  • Change-How-You-Travel

    Change how you travel

    One flight can produce as much CO₂ as some people produce in a year in some countries, and as air travel is one of the largest contributors to carbon emissions reducing the amount you fly can help to lower your carbon footprint. As well as cutting back on air travel, look to travel via train or switch your car from petrol or diesel to electric.

  • Cut-Down-On-Meat Cut-Down-On-Meat

    Cut down on meat

    With veganism and vegetarianism on the rise, many are changing their diet in order to reduce their carbon emissions. With meat production contributing greatly to the amount of CO₂ we emit, even small changes such as ‘Meat Free Monday’ can help to have a positive impact on the environment.

  • Reduce-Reuse-Recycle

    Reduce, reuse, recycle

    We produce over 2 billion tons of waste each year which contributes heavily to our CO₂ emissions. Whilst it is hard to avoid producing waste, think of ways to reuse it such as upcycling your wardrobe or reusing plastic packaging.

    Some supermarkets and independent shops allow people to bring their own reusable containers to refill with goods.

  • Plant-a-Garden

    Plant a garden

    Planting some greenery is a quick and easy way to reduce our carbon footprint. Plants absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen which is mutually beneficial to humankind. Get your greenfingers ready to plant a few trees, some bee-friendly flowers, or a herb window box - every plant helps take us one step closer to a better planet.