Countries With the Most Female Researchers

From collecting and interpreting data to predicting trends, researchers have a key role in the Science, Tech, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) industries. 

As we’re seeing across many industries, the percentage of females that work in the research profession is significantly smaller than males. Regardless of how promising it is to see that a growing number of females are starting to explore and start careers in research, the senior roles are still mostly dominated by men. 

But is this the case for every country around the world? Is the research profession predominantly males in every country, or are some nations seeing a higher number of females? 

Whether there’s more support or encouragement available in some countries, or if acceptance of females in STEM roles is higher, take a look at the graphic below to see who is leading the way in not only innovation, but gender diversity too. 

women researchers infographic
Argentina is setting a great example of gender diversity in the research field, with more than half (54.1%) of their researchers being female - and Latvia is close behind as, again, more than half (52.2%) of their country’s research industry is made up of women. 

However, Japan and South Korea still have a long way to go; only 16.2% and 20.1% respectively of their research industry is made up of females. The UK is sitting in the top 10 but, given that females only account for just over a third (38.7%) of the research field, there’s still work that could be done. 

So what could the world do to improve gender diversity across the research field? From working with schools to encourage more female students to explore options within the STEM industries, to supporting women in the workplace to secure more senior positions, every country’s research industry can do more to make a change.