2020 By the time you’re ...

Hyperloop, a supersonic train with pods travelling through tubes at over 700 mph, will be moving cargo and passengers.


2025 By the time you’re ...

You could be travelling to work by SkyTran, a self-driving monorail designed to hover 20 feet above roads and travel up to 150 mph, using only the amount of energy it takes to power two hairdryers.


Simple swarming algorithms will allow swarms of scooters to move together along streets, automatically keeping their distance from each other and from other road users.


2035 By the time you’re ...

You could be travelling on hypersonic planes, which travel 5 times faster than the speed of sound, so London to Sydney could become a 4.5 hour journey.


Electric, driverless cars will make up 90 percent of all vehicles.


2050 By the time you’re ...

Planes will have panoramic windows that can turn transparent at the wave of a hand.


Planes will have holographic communications and entertainment hubs where you can watch films and listen to music in the cloud, and chat to friends, family and colleagues while you fly. Sonic disruptors will stop you disturbing everyone around you.


There will be an elevator to space in operation. You will be able to depart from the equator and travel in an enclosure, guided by a 60,000 mile cable that stretches a quarter of the way to the moon.

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