The DFRobot Arduino beginner Kit is an ideal kit to learn about Arduino and electronics. The kit includes 20 high-quality components and 15 project flashcards and is ideal learning or teaching aid. This kit will guide you through the world of the sensing, controlling the physical world through sensors and Arduino microcontroller via a carefully designed project.
Supplied with: Arduino UNO R3 x1 Prototyping Shield x1 Jumper Cables M/M x30 Jumper Cables F/M x10 Resistor 220R x20 Resistor 4.7K x20 Resistor 10K x20 Resistor 1K x20 5 mm LED x10 IR Receiver Diode x1 Mini Push Button x4 Ambient Light Sensor x1 Tilt Switch Sensor x1 8-Segment LED x1 LM35 temperature sensor x1 Relay x1 Buzzer x1 Fan x1 130 Motor x1 10K Potentiometer x3 Micro Servo x1 Mini Controller (with battery CR2025 inside) x1 6 x AA Battery Holder x1 400 Tie Point Interlocking Solderless Breadboard x1
Features and Benefits
Wide voltage ranging between 3.3V and 5V Standard assembling structure Icons to simply illustrate sensor function High-quality connector Immersion gold surface
Compatible with Arduino Uno R3 Compatible with Arduino IDE
ANSI/ESD S20.20:2014 BS EN 61340-5-1:2007
Product Name
Beginner Kit
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